
il tuo tempo


Questa è la nostra missione
Esperienze di qualità per tutti
Andrea borlenghi, the founder of Curioo. While laughting

Sono Andrea Borlenghi, fondatore di Curioo. Curioo nasce nel 2024 come risposta alla domanda che noi tutti ci poniamo una volta giunti in una destinazione turistica: "oggi che facciamo"?

In un viaggio di tanti anni fa a Venezia mi ero posto la stessa domanda e la risposta era stata un caro amico che conosceva ogni vicolo segreto della città. Ogni angolo inaspettato. Ogni attività fuori dai circoli turistici tradizionali. Li, 15 anni fa, è nato idealmente Curioo. Il sogno era far si che ogni persona potesse trovare le cose migliori da fare guidato da un local.

Ed eccoci qui oggi. Abbiamo digitalizzato il sapere dei locali in guide semplici ed economiche. In più raccogliamo le migliori esperienze e le rendiamo accessibili.

Buon Divertimento!


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Created by a talented team of designers.

Our team has been organizing and running conferences for over 20 years, and we love everything about design and marketing.

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Helping designers learn
Learn about marketing

We love all things design and marketing, so you can be sure you're in good hands.

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We're passionate about making sure your conference experience is the best it can be.

Learn about development

We love all things design and marketing, so you can be sure you're in good hands.

Learn about design

We're passionate about making sure your conference experience is the best it can be.

Learn about writing

We love all things design and marketing, so you can be sure you're in good hands.

Learn about ecommerce

We're passionate about making sure your conference experience is the best it can be.

We've got the answers for your questions

How many speakers are there?

Designers, start your engines! We have eight speakers coming to rev up your creativity at the Design Conference. From product design to branding and everything in between, these speakers will get your gears turning and provide you with plenty of food for thought. So whether you're a seasoned professional or just getting started in the field, this conference is sure to get your creative juices flowing.

What will happen at the live workshops?

Live design workshops allow you to see how designers work in real time, and you can learn from their successes and failures. The conference also provides an opportunity to meet other designers and discuss the latest trends in design. If you're looking to improve your skills and network with other designers, our design conference is the perfect place to start.

How does the virtual attendance work?

The design conference you've been looking forward to all year is going virtual. Don't worry, though, you won't have to miss out on hearing from your favorite speakers or networking with other creatives. The organizers of the conference have taken everything you love about the event and transferred it into the digital realm.

What are the networking opportunities?

Designers, have you been feeling the need to network but are just not sure how to with the current pandemic? Well, don't worry, we have the perfect solution for you! Come to our virtual design conference where you can network with other pro designers from the comfort of your own home. You don't even have to put on pants if you don't want to (but we strongly suggest that you do).