A boat ride with Curioo
A sailboat lesson with Curioo
A Wine makery lesson done with Curioo
A flying lesson with Curioo
A pesto lesson done with Curioo
A boat ride with Curioo

Curi👀, esperienze di qualità a Portovenere.

Siamo l'amico iperattivo che ti trascina a fare mille esperienze. Sempre di altissima qualità, sempre al miglior prezzo

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Esperienze da fare
Tour immersivi
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80 minuti di tour di Portovenere a meno di 4€

Ti daremo un immersione divertente e istruttiva nel luogo in cui sei. Tornerai a casa con una storia interessantissima da raccontare.

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Esperienze Locali
Una lezione di sub di gruppo

Le migliori esperienze locali a Portovenere

Abbiamo selezionato fra le centinaia di fornitori solo i migliori. Pensiamo noi a prenotare e organizzare tutto, nessun costo aggiuntivo per te.

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Scegli la tua esperienza
Esperienze Premium
Un romantico tour in barca

Vuoi un'esperienza davvero esclusiva?

Bene, abbiamo quello che fa per te. Esperienze disegnate ad hoc. Tour privati che potrei fare con il tuo partner, amici o famiglia.

Learn from the

best speakers.

This year, we're proud to have a lineup of speakers who are not only at the top of their industry, but who are also highly talented and creative. You won't be disappointed.

Created by a talented team of designers.

Our team has been organizing and running conferences for over 20 years, and we love everything about design and marketing.

Learn about us
Learn about us



We will have eight live design workshops. You'll get an inside look into how designers work in real time, and you can learn from their successes and failures.



We are bringing together six speakers from around the world. They'll provide attendees with insights and inspiration that will help them in their own work.

The only conference you need
The only conference you need
The only conference you need
The only conference you need



With our four virtual breakout sessions, you can network with other pro designers from the comfort of your own home. You don't even have to put on pants if you don't want to (but we strongly suggest that you do).

New friends


This virtual conference is a great place to meet new friends, especially if you're the type of person who likes to talk about graphic design, web design, or pretty much any other kind of design. (And let's face it, if you're reading this, you probably are.) You'll have a great time.

Tu pensa a collezionare ricordi, a organizzare pensiamo noi.

An agenda filled with knowledge

Design isn't just about making things look pretty. Design is about solving problems. That's why our design conference has an agenda made for you to learn the most valuable skills from our speakers.

Discover what makes you a unique designer
Wallie Sharso

Everyone has their own unique perspective, and that's what makes designers so special. We all have our own individual processes, methodologies and ways of seeing the world. And it is this diversity that allows us to create such beautiful and innovative designs.

Creating design systems within small teams
Sarah Pratt

One of the most important things that designers can do is to create and maintain design systems. Design systems provide a shared set of standards and patterns that can be used by all members of a team. They help to ensure that everyone is on the same page, and they can save a lot of time and frustration in the long run.

Learn what makes a design sprint successful
Rilley Fathese

Design sprints are all the rage these days, and it's easy to see why. After all, who wouldn't want to compress months of work into a single week? However, successfully completing a design sprint requires more than just a willingness to work long hours. In order to be successful, you need to understand the basics of Design Sprinting.

Mastering figma for website prototyping
Cam Gerady

Designers are often asked to prototype websites and apps. Figma is a great tool for this purpose, and it's not difficult to learn. The more you practice, the better you'll become at prototyping websites and apps in Figma.

We've got the answers for your questions

How many speakers are there?

Designers, start your engines! We have eight speakers coming to rev up your creativity at the Design Conference. From product design to branding and everything in between, these speakers will get your gears turning and provide you with plenty of food for thought. So whether you're a seasoned professional or just getting started in the field, this conference is sure to get your creative juices flowing.

What will happen at the live workshops?

Live design workshops allow you to see how designers work in real time, and you can learn from their successes and failures. The conference also provides an opportunity to meet other designers and discuss the latest trends in design. If you're looking to improve your skills and network with other designers, our design conference is the perfect place to start.

How does the virtual attendance work?

The design conference you've been looking forward to all year is going virtual. Don't worry, though, you won't have to miss out on hearing from your favorite speakers or networking with other creatives. The organizers of the conference have taken everything you love about the event and transferred it into the digital realm.

What are the networking opportunities?

Designers, have you been feeling the need to network but are just not sure how to with the current pandemic? Well, don't worry, we have the perfect solution for you! Come to our virtual design conference where you can network with other pro designers from the comfort of your own home. You don't even have to put on pants if you don't want to (but we strongly suggest that you do).